Gutenberg vs Elementor everything you need to know
Are you wondering about Gutenberg vs Elementor which page builder plugin you should use for your website? Here in this article, we will try to compare all the aspects of Gutenberg and Elementor page builder. So at the end of this article, you will be able to decide which page builder will be best for your website building experience.
Nowadays page builders take the WordPress CMS to a new level. Elementor and Gutenberg are the pioneers in WordPress page builder. These two-page builders offer so many features and functionalities to speed up your workflow.
The Gutenberg page builder has been launched by the WordPress community since WordPress 5.0. Since its release, Gutenberg is getting popular slowly. On the other hand, Elementor is leading the industry. So let’s see which one is better for you.
What is Elementor?
Elementor is one of the best page builders for WordPress with tons of features and functionalities. Since 2021 Elementor page builders have had more than 10 million-plus active installations. Elementor was released in 2016 and is constantly improving its features constantly. It’s very easy to use and super customizable.
The drag and drop features of this page make it more customizable and flexible. It gives your website a stunning look and features. The free version of Elementor offers all you need to create a page and the pro version offers you control of every aspect of your website.
What is Gutenberg?
Gutenberg is a page builder powered by WordPress. It was first released in 2018 since WordPress 5.0. When you are using WordPress, Gutenberg is the default content editor. The main focus of Gutenberg is to provide an excellent user experience when publishing your website. You can place the Gutenberg editor anywhere on your website. Gutenberg is not only a content editor but also a visual editor too.
Gutenberg vs Elementor
Gutenberg provides so many features for managing your content. There are huge numbers of blocks with advanced features you can use for editing content. Gutenberg has 25+ native blocks available and you will find so many free and pro blocks too.
Gutenberg provides drag and drops features and you can easily rearrange the post-edit screen too. You can place the element anywhere you want to speed up your workflow. Gutenberg is very flexible, lightweight, and loads fastly. WordPress is improving Gutenberg day by day and it will be the future of WordPress.
On the other hand, Elementor page builder comes with a built-in widget to add different elements to your pages. Elementor has also a template library so that you can easily import ready-made templates or blocks on your pages. Elementor supports third-party addons and there are plenty of free and premium addons available like Absolute Addons. Addons will enable you to add extra features, and functions to your website.
Elementor is super flexible and customizable with a default theme builder. Elementor also offers drag and drop features but compared to Gutenberg Elementor is more flexible and powerful.
At present, there are lots of mobile users browsing the internet. So if your website is not mobile-friendly, you will lose a huge audience. So you need to make your website in a way that looks great on mobile devices. Elementor and Gutenberg both are making your website responsive for smaller devices.
For responsive design, Elementor offers far better features than Gutenberg. In Elementor you can hide any specific section for specific devices. If you use a very large image for desktop devices you can easily hide them for smaller devices. Gutenberg doesn’t have such features. It offers the basic responsive features you need to make your website mobile-friendly. For advanced responsive features, you need to use an additional plugin with Gutenberg.
Page Speed
Page speed is the most important thing for a website to succeed. No one wants to waste their time loading your website. If your website is slow you will lose potential customers. Page speed is how fast your content loads. In this case, Gutemberg is ahead of ELementor.
The Gutenberg page loads faster than the Elementor page in most of the scenarios. Also if you add the same content in both two-page builders, Elementor will take a larger size for the page than Gutenberg. So it takes more time to load a larger size page.
Gutenberg is free and a product of WordPress. WordPress is constantly improving its features constantly. There are lots of free and premium plugins also available for Gutenberg.
There is a free and pro version of Elementor page builder available. The free version provides all the basic features and widgets you need to create a page. The pro version has full control to create and maintain your website. Besides, there are plenty of free and premium plugins available for Elementor to enhance the page-building workflow.
Gutenberg vs Elementor: Which one you should choose
You already know the pros and cons of Elementor and Gutenberg. If you are new to WordPress and need a basic website with limited features, and fast page speed then you should go for the Gutenberg page builder. On the other hand, if you need advanced features and powerful control then ELementor is best for you. But keep in mind that to maintain advanced features you need to spend your time on Elementor. So if you don’t want to spend time then don’t go for Elementor.
Wrapping Up
We hope this article will help you. You can see our other articles to learn How to enable the Coming Soon mode on Elementor
Is Elementor good or bad for SEO?
How to create section templates in Elementor
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