Fix white screen of death issue in Elementor
Looking for a way to fix the white screen of death issue in Elementor? Here in this article, we will guide you to the solution to fix the error.
If you are new to Elemenotr then this problem may bother you. Most new users are trying to uninstall the plugin and again install it to solve the problem. But uninstalling the plugin will not solve the problem.
Fix the white screen of death issue in Elementor
The first thing you need to do is to clear your browser. You can clean your cache and hard reset the page to solve the problem. To clean catch and hard reload you can click on the right button of your mouse and then click on the inspect option.
It will split your windows and show the developer tools. Now right-click on the reload icon of your browser, and you can see the empty cache and reload option. Just click on it.
This process will empty your cache and hard reload the page. It should solve the problem. If the problem still exists you can try the following process.
Step 2
If the problem is not solved then you can try to change your active theme. There are many themes that are not compatible with Elementor.
Step 3
Loading screen issues may also happen due to conflict with any installed extension or addons. So you can switch the browses to see if the problems occur or not. If you are using Google Chrome, then go for Firefox and test if the problem still exists.
Step 4
If any of these steps are unable to solve the problem, you need to change some settings of Elementor. Go to the Elementor > Setting from your WordPress dashboard.
Now go to the advanced tab and enable the Switch Editor Loader Method option. Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button.
Now test if the problem is resolved or not.
Step 5
The last step in fixing the issue is to deactivate all the other plugins. Sometimes Elementor conflict with the plugin and an error occurs. Go to WordPress dashboard and then Plugins > Installed Plugin from where you can all of your installed plugins.
Now from the list select, all plugins expect Elementor, and then from the bulk option deactivate all the plugins. After deactivating all the plugins activate them one by one and check which plugin is responsible for this issue. When you find the corrupt plugin deactivate it permanently or contact the author to solve the plugin conflict.
This should solve your problem.
Wrapping up
We hope that this article will help you to fix the white screen of death error. You can see our other tutorials to learn How to fix the widget panel not loading in Elementor
How to display AdSense ads to Elementor
How to create before/ after image comparison in Elementor free
How to work with image carousel with Elementor
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